IAEBP Privacy Policy for Members
IAEBP Privacy Policy The International Association for Evidence Based Psychotherapy (hereinafter referred to as “the IAEBP”) treats the privacy of its members and website users very seriously and we take appropriate security measures to safeguard your privacy. This Policy explains how we protect and manage any personal data* you share with us and that we […]
How to Build a Girl – surviving being a teenager
Caitlin Moran wrote this powerful and poignant piece in The Times about surviving being a teenage girl; “I have just finished a tour where I spoke on stage, for two hours, about doubt and self-loathing, anxiety, eating disorders, hope, joy, and wanting to change both yourself and the world – because those are the subjects […]
Childhood Trauma Leads to Brains Wired for Fear
The piece in this link is less about neuroscience and more about society! In a nine minute interview, eminent neuroscientist Bessel van der Kolk shows how abuse, neglect or exposure to domestic violence is altering the very structure of an infant brain. He then draws a direct link to later substance abuse, criminality, and an […]
Self-harming at record level
#Self-harming is at record levels among the young. Lucie Russell from Youngminds is quoted in the Times today citing the pressures of the modern world “and some of these pressures are unprecedented”, refering to the 24/7 on-line culture. “Young people feel it never lets up.” “On-line they create a brand – brand me – which […]
The Confidence Code
The new book, The Confidence Code, by Katty Kay and Claire Shipman brings together plenty of evidence in the form of scientific studies for how women undermine their own confidence. The five common mistakes women make, the authors say, are thinking too much carrying criticism around for too long staying in their comfort zones failing to […]
WANT it – you might get it. IMAGINE it – you might get it. BELIEVE it – you WILL get it!! Now find some evidence to build your BELIEF on! This is a development on Coué’s idea of ‘Self-conflict’ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coué . Essentially, if ther is conflict between will and imagination, imagination tends to win. You […]
Scars remind us…
Scars remind us where we’ve been. They don’t have to dictate where we’re going. David Rossi (character)
Every day, in every way…
Kate Patterson reminded us of the Coué affirmation “Every day, in every way, I’m getting better and better” But dear old Coué missed the belief element out of his most famous line. So if you can find some evidence, even a little bit, that you are getting better and better, you can start to believe […]